Thursday, 18 April 2013

Day 18: A rewowrking of Day 17's poem

Existence is a series of patterns,
it’s our job to figure out what they mean,
(if anything)
why we choose
pb&j over salami
why we get out of bed
(or don’t)
why all my former lovers
have long hair and ride bikes
why I kiss and always tell
and why that matters.

Because we are creatures of habit,
that possess an irrational fear of change
and the unknown.

I don’t know if I’ll know how to love you
without that dirty hippie edge.
(I want dreads, vegetarians, activists)
But I never create an opening for any other in my world.
I’m afraid of the change in me that could come
if I changed my “type”

Maybe we should try to unknow each other
just for practice
just to see what unknowing feels like for a day
if we unknow the familiar,
at least the subjects are still the same.

This could be an exercise in folding
and unfolding in order to
increase flexibility

Or maybe (in)stability is what I crave.
I want to unknow you and feel unstable-
travel on rocky grounds in a town I don’t know
drive in big cities without a map,
maybe instead let the person
occupying the passenger seat navigate for a little while.

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